

A recent Bible study led to reflection on a popular Bible verse that has decorated t-shirts, coffee mugs, and wall banners and plaques. It is a verse that has been mis-used and mis-applied for decades. It has been a banner call for coaches inspiring and motivating their Christian athletes and so much more. "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."(Philippians 4:13).

What does the verse mean? Taken in context Paul is urging the Christians to be like him  - although in prison and abused and threatened with death - he could count it all joy!  He could do that because of the gift of strength given by Christ to do - to endure - the horrors of persecution for faith in Jesus Christ.

We have tended - over many decades - to trivial this gift of endurance and strength.  God pours out this miraculous power so we can ....

Run a home run.
Get that job we want.
Do well on the job.
Run a race and win an award.

Our definition of hardship and things to endure and goals to reach has often been shallow, narcissistic, and mere inconvenience rather than true hardship let alone persecution.  Paul was imprisoned, abused, no doubt possibly beaten and no doubt suffered physical, emotional and mental stresses.

For Paul, the idea was not achieving some next in a long line of successes but achieving the strength, will and fortitude to face yet another day's obstacles.  To walk a last lonely path were loss of life was the eventual goal not merely a loss of championship or some less than bountiful monetary reward.

As the shadow of the sword, the rope or an arena loomed - then Christ gave the gift of strength to endure and to do so with joy in the heart.